Aestivation and arousal interaction in the determination of reproduction in giant African land snails: 1. Preliminary morphometric study of the male organs

J.M. Omoyakhi, O.A. Osinowo


A preliminary investigation was conducted to evaluate the effects of aestivation on the reproductive efficiency of two giant African land snails, Archachatina marginata and Achatina achatina. A morphometric study of the male reproductive organs of 42 A. marginata and 42 A. achatina monitored under 6 weeks of aestivation and 6 weeks of post aestivation was undertaken. The results indicated significant (P < 0.05) atrophy of the organs with increasing length of aestivation period. A. marginata showed higher resistance to morphometric degeneration to the adverse condition than A. achatina. In both species, the sizes of the organs returned to and sometimes over their pre-aestivation states after 2-4 weeks of hydration and feeding. This
indicates that aestivation may be a restful period in preparation for the next breeding season.

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