Bio-utilization of energy and protein content of Jack bean subjected to integrated processing techniques using Muscovy ducks

AH Akinmutimi, SN Ibe, GS Olayiwola, EI Ewa


The true metabolisable energy and protein contents of jackbean subjected to integrated processing techniques were evaluated using 18 mature Muscovy ducks of average weight of 1.74 +/- 0.17kg. The birds were subjected to five treatments, which include feeding of raw jackbeans, jackbeans soaked in 5% potash for 5 days and then boiled for 90 minutes, jackbeans soaked in 5% potash for 5 days and then toasted to browness, jackbeans soaked in 5% urea for 5 days and then boiled for 90 minutes, and jackbeans soaked in 5% urea for 5 days and then toasted to browness. Birds were starved for 24 hours and thereafter assigned to each of the diets in a completely randomised manner. Each of the birds were force-fed with 20g of the diet and allowed to stay for 24 hours for the collection of their faeces. Another set of 3 birds were starved for an additional 24 hours for the collection of endogenous faeces.

    Faeces collected at the end of 24 hours and test feeding stuffs were analysed fro both energy and nitrogen content. The TME and TMEn for raw jackbeans are significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that of processed beans. The raw jackbeans has TMP value of 234.97 +/- 0.572 which is significantly (P < 0.05) lower than the urea soaked and boiled for 90 minutes but significantly (P < 0.05) higher than other processed beans. The TME and TMP of processed beans ranged from 2.829 +/- 0.0006 Kcal/g to 2-759 +/- 0.005 kcal/g and 243.19 +/- 0.021 mg/g to 175.64 +/- 0.015 mg/g respectively. Urea soaked and boiled beans has the highest TMP value of 243.19 +/- 0.021 mg/g and appreciable energy value of 2.829 +/- 0.0006. It then becomes the effective method that can be conveniently practised at farm site.

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