Preparation and Characterization of Chitosan-Silver Nanoparticle

SA Atanda, P Pessu, GC Ihionu, OO Oladeji


Silver nanoparticle was synthesized using chitosan as both a reducing and a stabilizing agent in the presence of ethanol. Silver nitrate was used as a source of silver. The chitosan-silver nanoparticle obtained was characterized using UV spectrophotometry, IR spectrophotometry and Thermogravimetric analysis to investigate their surface plasmon resonance, functional groupsand thermal behaviour respectively.  The IR spectra of chitosan-silver nanocomposite revealed the presence of hydroxyl, amine, and other functional groups appearing at various wave numbers.  Surface plasmon resonance appearing at 430 nm was observed indicating the reduction of silver ion to a zerovalent state.Thermogravimetric analysis at a temperature of 700 oC indicated a change in thermal stability of the silver nanoparticle as compared to chitosan alone. These novel characteristics of silver- chitosan based nanoparticle could potentially be exploited for various applications in medicine, agriculture, environmental science and in industries.

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