Assessment of the Water Quality of a Southern Nigeria Estuary using Biotic Indices

Michael. O Omoigberale, Ijeoma P. Oboh, Benneth C Obitte


The water quality of the Koko section of Benin River was assessed at four study stations using HBI (Hilsenhoff Biotic Index), TR (Taxa Richness), EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera) index, BMWP
(Biological Monitoring Working Party) score and ASPT (Average Score Per Taxon). Except for station 1, the other study stations were inunadated with high human activities such as disposal of industrial and municipal and human wastes, bathing, industrial activities, sand mining and transportation. Station 3 was identified as the most impacted by all the biotic indices employed. TR, HBI and EPT disclosed station 1 as the least polluted site while BMWP and ASPT differed slightly. Dredging and industrial activities were found to be the chief causes of the degredation of this section of the river.

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